******************************************** GEOGRAPHIC AND GEOMAGNETIC COORDINATES ******************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- glat glon mlat mlon inclination declination collaborators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IST 70.03 88.01 60.6 166.6 83.79 19.30 ISTP (SB, RAS) HUS 64.67 338.97 64.9 66.2 75.78 -14.34 NIPR/U.Iceland GAK 62.39 214.78 63.6 268.51 75.80 18.31 NICT, GI-UAF, UNH MGD 60.05 150.73 51.9 213.2 71.56 -11.02 IKIR (FEB, RAS) NAI 56.54 298.269 65.8 14.8 75.36 -22.92 NICT, Augsburg College ATH 54.71 246.69 61.7 306.2 76.57 17.4 U.Athabasca/U.Calgary (AUGO-I, before 161024) ATH 54.60 246.36 61.1 307.8 76.00 15.1 U.Athabsca (AUGSO, after 161025) LCL 51.0 252.9 58.2 317.3 74.3 10.4 U.Athabasca, GADC project ZGN 66.78 123.37 57.23 191.64 80.7 -15.6 IKFIA/YSC (SB, RAS) PTK 52.97 158.248 45.8 221.4 64.6 -6.5 IKIR (FEB, RAS) KAP 49.39 277.81 58.7 347.6 74.17 -10.19 NICT, Virginia Tech. MSR 44.37 142.27 35.6 209.5 58.58 -9.5 ISEE Observatory (MOS) RIK 43.46 143.77 34.7 210.8 57.8 -9.1 ISEE Observatory KAG 31.48 130.72 21.9 200.6 45.1 -6.1 ISEE Observatory STA 31.02 130.68 21.2 200.5 44.8 -5.8 Kagoshima University KNG 26.76 128.21 17.8 199.6 39.0 -5.6 Ryukyu University MUT 14.37 121.02 5.3 193.30 16.8 -2.6 NAMRIA KTB -0.20 100.32 -10.63 171.93 -20.10 -0.6 RISH(Kyoto U.)/LAPAN KDU -12.69 132.47 -20.87 206.31 -39.9 2.6 Geoscience Australia MDM -45.60 170.09 -52.81 255.55 -70.9 24.8 i-SPES, Kyushu University TEW -41.18 175.83 -47.11 259.50 -66.5 22.4 i-SPES, Kyushu University WAI -40.56 175.21 -43.26 255.71 -65.8 22.6 i-SPES, Kyushu University ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (*) mlat, mlon are calculatied by dipole geomagnetic coordinates (IGRF epoch:2000 to latest) Calibration Data (sensitivity and phase) of Induction Magnetometers (induction_cal_data_all.txt)------------------------------------ station A/D board input voltage ------------------------------------ HUS +/-10V=16bit GAK +/- 5V=16bit NAI +/- 5V=16bit ATH +/- 5V=16bit ZGN +/- 5V=16bit KAP +/- 5V=16bit MSR +/- 5V=16bit STA +/- 5V=16bit KNG +/-10V=16bit MUT +/- 5V=16bit ------------------------------------ ------ Current Configuration ----------- * Sensitivities and turnover frequencies are those for the H-component sensors. D- and Z-component sensors have basically the same specifications to those of the H-component sensors. Istok (IST or ITK), Russia : 70.03N, 88.01E Induction Magnetometer of ISTP (January 2017-) LEMI-30 magnetometer, 2-components (H and D), 64Hz sampling Husafell (HUS), Iceland : 64.67N, 338.97E Induction Magnetometer of NIPR (March 20, 2017-) NIPR magnetometer 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal, only H and D components after September 5, 2018, the induction magnetometer was replaced to a new one. turnover frequency: 1.4 Hz sensitivity: 0.4720 V/nT at 1.4 Hz (at gain volume 6th from the bottom) 0.02328 V/nT at 0.1 Hz Gakona (GAK), Alaska : 62.39N, 214.78E Induction Magnetometer (March 3, 2017-): NICT magnetometer: amp002+ sensor 0808(H)+0809(D) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal, only H and D components turnover frequency: 2.0 Hz senstivity: 0.60V/nT at 2.0 Hz 0.28V/nT at 0.2Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward Nain (NAI), Canada: 56.54N, 298.269E Induction Magnetometer (September 11, 2018 - August 31, 2023) NICT magnetometer: amp003+sensor 0810(H)+0811(D) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal, only H and D components turnover frequency: 2.0 Hz senstivity: 0.61V/nT at 2.0 Hz 0.26V/nT at 0.2Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward Kapuskasing (KAP), Canada : 49.39N, 277.81E Induction Magnetometer (December 14, 2016-): NICT magnetometer: amp001+sensor 0805(H)+0806(D) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal, only H and D components turnover frequency: 2.0 Hz senstivity: 0.59V/nT at 2.0 Hz 0.31V/nT at 0.2Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward Athabasca (ATH), Canada : 54.7N, 246.7E Induction Magnetometer (Sept.7, 2005-): 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal turnover frequency: 5.5 Hz senstivity: 0.455V/nT at 5.5 Hz 0.00810V/nT at 0.1Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward, upward This magnetometer is moved from AUGO-I to AUGSO on Oct.25, 2016 After Oct. 25, 2016 : 54.60N, 246.36E, Z-component is replaced by the riometer 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal turnover frequency: 5.5 Hz senstivity: 0.455V/nT at 5.5 Hz 0.00810V/nT at 0.1Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward Lucky Lake (LCL), Canada : 51.0N, 252.9E Fluxgate Magnetometer and Induction Magnetometer (July 31, 2020-): 8ch x 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal with a GPS receiver from fluxgate: ch.1: H, ch.2: D, ch.3: Z, ch.4: 50 Ohm terminator from induction coil: ch.5: dH/dt, ch.6: dD/dt, ch.7: dZ/dt, ch.8: GPS-1PPS fluxgate magnetometer cal: 2000nT/10V The fluxgate and induction magnetometer sensors are leftovers from the GADC project (by Dr. Kanji Hayashi of Univ. of Tokyo) and re-activated by the Athabasca University through the MAMA-MIA project. Zhigansk (ZGN), Russia : 66.78N, 123.37E Induction Magnetometer (September 14, 2016-) 64Hz sampling triggered by GPS clock signal turnover frequency: 1.4 Hz sensitivity: 0.380 V/nT at 1.4 Hz 0.0238 V/nT at 0.1 Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward, downward Magadan (MGD), Russia : 60.0513467N, 150.7292683E Induction Magnetometer (November 5, 2008-) 64Hz sampling triggered by GPS clock signal turnover frequency: 1.4 Hz sensitivity: 0.450 V/nT at 1.7 Hz 0.0218 V/nT at 0.1 Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward, downward Paratunka (PTK), Russia : 52.9720466N, 158.24762E Induction Magnetometer (Aug.21, 2007-) 64Hz sampling triggered by GPS clock signal turnover frequency: 1.8 Hz sensitivity: 0.450 V/nT at 1.8 Hz 0.0199 V/nT at 0.1 Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward, downward Moshiri (MSR or MOS), Japan : 44.37N, 142.27E Fluxgate Magnetometer (May 24, 1990-) 1 Hz sampling available on the 210MM database Induction Magnetometer (July 14, 2007-) 64Hz sampling triggered by GPS clock signal turnover frequency: 2.2 Hz (before Sept.10, 2007) 2.3-2.9Hz (after Sept.11, 2007) sensitivity: 12.7 V/nT at 2.2 Hz before Sept.10, 2007 1.29 V/nT at 0.1 Hz before Sept.10, 2007 13.2 V/nT at 2.3-2.9 Hz after Sept.11, 2007 1.27 V/nT at 0.1 Hz after Sept.11, 2007 polarity: positive=southward, westward, upward Rikubetsu (RIK) : 43.5N, 143.8E Fluxgate Magnetometer (October 6, 1997-) 1 Hz sampling available on the 210MM database Induction Magnetometer (Oct.17, 2018-, two components only) 64Hz sampling triggered by GPS clock signal turnover frequency: 1.4 Hz sensitivity: 0.459 V/nT at 1.4 Hz 0.0228 V/nT at 0.1 Hz polarity: positive=H: northward, D: eastward ch.1: dH/dt, ch.2: dD/dt, ch.3: zero (shorted), ch.4: GPS-1pps Kagoshima (KAG) : 31.48N, 130.72E Fluxgate Magnetometer (July 21, 1990-September 29, 2023: TOKIN magnetometer, 746.7 nT/65536 digit) (September 30, 2023-: YUTAKA magnetometer (725.8nT/65536 digit, A/D:+-5V=65536digit) 1 Hz sampling available on the 210MM database Induction Magnetometer (August 7, 2024-) (moved from Nain, Canada) NICT magnetometer: amp003+sensor 0810(H)+0811(D) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal, only H and D components turnover frequency: 2.0 Hz senstivity: 0.61V/nT at 2.0 Hz 0.26V/nT at 0.2Hz polarity: positive=northward, eastward Sata (STA) : 31.0N, 130.7E Induction Magnetometer (September 5, 2007-) (Jun.18-Sept.4, 2007 at KAG) 64Hz sampling triggered by GPS clock signal September 5, 2007 - February 26, 2008 turnover frequency: 1.9 Hz sensitivity: 0.291 V/nT at 1.9 Hz 0.0114 V/nT at 0.1 Hz February 27, 2008 - November 23, 2019 turnover frequency: 2.5-2.6 Hz sensitivity: 0.314 V/nT (at 2.5-2.6 Hz) 0.0142 V/nT (at 0.1 Hz) polarity: positive=northward, eastward, downward October 12, 2021- turnover frequency: H:4.0Hz, D:3.8Hz) H sensitivity: 0.503 V/nT (at 4.0 Hz) 0.0130 V/nT (at 0.1 Hz) D sensitivity: 0.112 V/nT (at 3.8 Hz) 0.0099 V/nT (at 0.1 Hz) polarity: positive=northward, eastward, downward Kunigami (KNG), Japan : 26.7567N, 128.208E Induction Magnetometer (October 23, 2021-) 64Hz sampling triggered by GPS clock signal turnover frequency: 1.4 Hz (H, D) sensitivity: 0.3986 V/nT at 1.4 Hz (H) 0.0230 V/nT at 0.1 Hz (H) 0.4070 V/nT at 1.4 Hz (D) 0.0223 V/nT at 0.1 Hz (D) polarity: positive=northward, eastward Muntinlupa (MUT), Philippine : 14.373N, 121.017E Induction Magnetometer (June 14, 2023-) 64Hz sampling triggered by GPS clock signal turnover frequency: 2.6 Hz (H, D) sensitivity: 0.3156 V/nT at 2.6 Hz (H) 0.0146 V/nT at 0.1 Hz (H) 0.3113 V/nT at 2.6 Hz (D) 0.0147 V/nT at 0.1 Hz (D) polarity: positive=northward, eastward Kototabang (KTB) : 0.2S, 100.3E Fluxgate Magnetometer (January 20, 2003-) 1 Hz sampling available on the 210MM database Kakadu (KDU), Australia : -12.69N, 132.47E Induction magnetometer made by Metronix (March 7, 2023-) 64 Hz sampling Middlemarch (MDM) : 45.60S, 170.09 E Fluxgate Magnetometer (March 19, 2011-) 1 Hz sampling Te Wharau (TEW) : 41.18S, 175.83 E Fluxgate Magnetometer (April 2, 2012-January 25, 2020) 1 Hz sampling Waitarere (WAI) ; 40.56S, 175.21E Fluxgate Magnetometer (February 10, 2023-) 1 Hz sampling *********************************************** Some Notes: * At PTK, the induction magnetometer sensors were buried under the ground on November 21, 2007. Before that, the sensors were left on the ground for test observations. * After December 1, 2007, the D-component at Sata is disconnected. * H and D components of the fluxgate magnetometer at KAG (Kagoshima) are short-circuited in the cable before the data recorder for September 8, 2007 - January 28, 2009. Please do not use the fluxgate magnetometer data at this interval. * On Jan.21-Feb.18, 2009, and Mar.28-Apr.17, 2009, a radio tramsmitter worked at Magadan at 4-28 MHz and the induction magnetometer data becomes highly noisy. * After Oct. 25, 2016, ATH magnetometer was moved from AUGO-I to AUGSO at 54.60N, 246.36E, and Z-component sensor was removed and replaced by the riometer *********************************************** Acknowledgements: The ISEE magnetometers have been developed and operated with skillful supports by Toshirou Kotoh, Mitsugi Satoh, Yasuo Katoh, Yoshiyuki Hamaguchi, and Yuka Yamamoto, all are technical staff of the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STEL) and Institute for Space-Earth Environmnetal Research (ISEE), Nagoya University. The magnetometers used at Moshiri, Kagoshima, and Sata were initially introduced to STEL by Professor Kiyohumi Yumoto, currently at the Space Environment Research Center (SERC), Kyushu University. The installation of magnetometers at Magadan and Paratunka has also been carried out in collaboration with SERC. The magnetometer at Athabasca Canada, has been operated in collaboration with the Athabasca University. We thank Professor Martin Connors, Dr. Ian Shelton, and Dr. Ian Schofield, for their kind and helpful supports. The magnetometer at Magadan and Paratunka, Russia, has been operated in collaboration with the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radiowave Propagation (IKIR), Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We thank Professor B. Shevtsov, the director of IKIR, and all the staff of IKIR for their kind and helpful supports. The magnetometers at Moshiri, Rikubetsu, Kagoshima, and Sata have been operated in the ISEE observatory. We thank M. Sera, Y. Ikegami (Moshiri), K. Hanano and N. Yokozeki (Rikubetsu), late K. Hidaka (Kagoshima and Sata), all are the technical staff of STEL/ISEE for their kind and skillful support at these sites. The magnetometer at Kototabang, Indonesia, has been operated in collaboration of the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, and the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonesia. We thank all the local staff of the Kototabang site for continuous operation of the magnetometer. The magnetometer at Middlemarch and Te Wharau, New Zealand, has been operated in collaboration with Osaka Electro-Communication University. We thank Dr. Yuki Obana for her kind and helpful supports. The magnetometer at Husafell, Iceland belongs to the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Japan, and is operated in collaboration with NIPR and University of Iceland. This observation and database construction have been supported by: (a) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (13573006, 18403011, 19403010) and on Priority Area (764), and by the 21th Century COE Program (Dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Life Interactive System, No. G-4) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, (b) International CAWSES project, and (c) Geospace Research Center of STEL. (d) IUGONET Project