******************************************** GEOGRAPHIC AND GEOMAGNETIC COORDINATES ******************************************** calculation: dipole geomagnetic coordinates (IGRF, epoch:2015) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- glat glon mlat mlon inclination declination collaborators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IST 70.03 88.01 60.6 166.6 83.79 19.30 ISTP ZGN 66.78 123.37 57.23 191.64 80.7 -15.6 IKFIA HUS 64.67 338.97 64.9 66.2 75.78 -14.34 NIPR/U.Iceland GAK 62.39 214.78 63.6 268.51 75.80 18.31 GI-UAF NAI 56.54 298.269 65.8 14.8 75.36 -22.92 Augsburg College ATH 54.60 246.36 61.1 307.8 76.00 15.1 U.Athabsca KAP 49.39 277.81 58.7 347.6 74.17 -10.19 Virginia Tech. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ station A/D board input voltage ------------------------------------ IST +/- 5V=16bit ZGN +/- 5V=16bit HUS +/-10V=16bit GAK +/- 5V=16bit NAI +/- 5V=16bit KAP +/- 5V=16bit ------------------------------------ ------ Current Configuration ----------- Istok (IST), Russia : 70.03N, 88.01E Riometer #03 (Oct.29, 2017-) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal La Jolla Science, 30MHz, 1ch broad-beam riometer Zhigansk (ZGN), Russia : 66.78N, 123.37E Riometer #06 (Sept.27, 2017-) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal La Jolla Science, 30MHz, 1ch broad-beam riometer Husafell (HUS), Iceland : 64.67N, 338.97E Riometer of NIPR #05 (Mar.20, 2017-) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal La Jolla Science, 30MHz, 1ch broad-beam riometer Nain (NAI), Canada: 56.54N, 298.269E Riometer #07 (Sep.11, 2018-Aug.31, 2023) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal La Jolla Science, 30MHz, 1ch broad-beam riometer Athabasca (ATH), Canada : 54.60N, 246.36E Riometer #01 (Oct.25, 2016-) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal La Jolla Science, 30MHz, 1ch broad-beam riometer Kapuskasing (KAP), Canada : 49.39N, 277.81E Riometer #02 (Feb.24, 2017-) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal La Jolla Science, 30MHz, 1ch broad-beam riometer Gakona (GAK), Alaska : 62.39N, 214.78E Riometer #04 (Jan., 2017-) 64Hz sampling triggered by PC clock signal La Jolla Science, 30MHz, 1ch broad-beam riometer *********************************************** Some Notes: * At ATH, 38MHz riometer was installed for 120925-161025, though the sensitivity was not sufficient to see CNA. * At ATH, the riometer antenna cable and preamplifier was broken after June 21, 2023, due to animal attack. We will repair it as soon as possible (230915). *********************************************** Acknowledgements: The ISEE riometers have been developed and operated with skillful supports by Yasuo Kato, Yuka Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki Hamaguchi, and Takumi Adachi, all are technical staff of the Institute for Space-Earth Environmnetal Research (ISEE), Nagoya University. The riometer at Athabasca Canada, has been operated in collaboration with the Athabasca University. We thank Professor Martin Connors, Dr. Ian Schofield, and Mr. Kyle Reiter for their kind and helpful supports. The riometer at Husafell, Iceland belongs to the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Japan, and is operated in collaboration with NIPR and University of Iceland. This observation and database construction have been supported by: (a) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP 16H06286) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, (b) IUGONET Project